Celebrating uniqueness

SWF KS UH1506C-45

SWF has been a regular on the UK embroidery scene for some time now and has established itself worldwide as a leader in embroidery technology. While other brands may have caught up in certain aspects there is one area that SWF rules alone – the Dual Function machine – model# KS UH1506C.

As long as machine embroidery has been around, embroiderers have wanted more flexibility with the ultimate being the ability to embroider two different patterns and/or garments at the same time. A few years ago, SWF achieved that goal and since then the company has been developing the technology to the point where it stands unchallenged in the worldwide embroidery market. This unique range of machines has reached new heights in productivity and flexibility and, for those that use them, it has positively influenced both turnover and profitability. The years have seen advances in speed as well as highly improved colour-change and trim functions adding to the overall productivity of the machines but it is the flexibility, not the speed, that makes this a winner. Even operating at a lower stitch speed, these machines will still out-produce standard format embroidery machines.

With this level of flexibility you no longer have to tie a whole machine up just to produce a sample. You no longer have to use the full machines capacity to produce the last two garments of an order. You can do both of thee things on one half of the machine whilst the other half is busy earning you money. Some ask the question ‘why a dual function machine?’ SWF asks ‘why not’.


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