DTG: New challenges… new solutions

deconetwork picThe direct to garment industry has advanced at an incredible rate. A decade ago, when the process got off the ground, it was a work of art to produce a clear washable image. Today, with new sophisticated machines and improved ink technology, the process is fast and reliable.

Like all technological advances, this is having an effect on the way businesses operate. In the past DTG printers would have had designs stacked up waiting to be printed, but today you are more likely to have an idle printer waiting for designs to be produced to feed it. Technical advances have shifted the bottleneck to a different part of the production process, and new approaches are needed to free up that flow and realise the full potential of the business.

The industry is now a viable and reliable source of custom decorated items, but it can achieve far more. Customisation is part of a much broader trend in retail that recognises that customers are increasingly not satisfied to be merely receivers of merchandise; they want to be involved as co-creators of added value in that merchandise. The challenge now is how to engage the customer in a designing and buying experience in which they can fully participate.

DecoNetwork is an all-in-one solution that addresses both of these new challenges; it enhances the customer experience with easy to use ‘design your own’ software and increases your efficiency by providing you with production ready design files. It handles your production worksheets, your purchase orders and even your customer service, and its open 24/7. Your customers will enjoy shopping with you and will keep coming back for more. DecoNetwork makes it easier for your customers to do business with you, and, equally importantly, makes it easier for you to do business with your customers.


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