Essential becomes first UK branding company to introduce sustainable packaging

All of Essential’s branded products will now be packaged in new sugarcane carbon neutral poly bags.

The introduction of this packaging alternative demonstrates a further dedication to maintaining Essential’s eco-friendly and environmentally conscious policies, alongside the usage of water-based inks, 100% organic cotton garments and a compostable baler.

Since the discovery that recyclable biodegradable plastic has little benefit to fighting climate change, the branding company made it its mission to pursue other conscientious options. The sugarcane carbon neutral poly bags are 100% recyclable and carbon neutral, making them a great alternative to oil-based polythene packaging.

They are also made from the waste of sugar cane extraction where a polymer is created that is bio-based. These polymers are a renewable source that can be recycled and reused indefinitely. Amazingly, this process starts off as being carbon negative but through the transportation and production necessary it becomes carbon neutral. The sugarcane polymer can be used to make a range of plastic-like products, such as bags, films and wraps.

George Georgiou, managing director, said: “It is such an important time for us as a business to be making sure we’re doing our part. We are always looking out for new ways to improve the way we brand and package our products and I’m very proud of what Essential is doing. I believe this is just the beginning in our efforts to become even more eco-friendly.”

Essential wants to promote a product that is bio-based, rather than bio-degradable. Bio-based products are made from renewable sources and do not encounter any toxic chemicals at any time.

Essential believes that the harmful effects of the usual oil-based polythene bags completely outweigh the cost and sourcing of the new bio-based sugar cane polybags. From harming wildlife to clogging sewers, the team want to make a change to this detrimental way of packaging garments. The UK uses approximately one million tonnes of harmful polythene films and bags every year.

The new sugarcane carbon neutral polybags have the same sturdy feel of a non-biobased bag and are available upon request for all Essential’s customers.

Essential is taking the steps necessary to make a sustainable difference within the branding industry, by becoming the first to offer this option.

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