Hunkeler Systeme helps you clean up your act with air cleaner

Hunkeler Systeme is helping print and manufacturing companies with their obligation to ensure employee health in the workplace with the Compact Air Cleaner, now available in the UK.

Hunkeler Systeme are known for their industrial waste extraction systems and their sisterhood with Hunkeler AG. They design, produce and install secure shredding, extraction and baling systems of manufacturing waste such as papers, cards, foils, and dusts. Recently they have been recognized for helping companies ensure the health of employees by improving the quality of air in dusty production environments and meeting environmental & corporate social responsibility targets.

A primary factor of corporate responsibility is employee health. With the recent pandemic, much emphasis is placed on respiratory health, and this is where Hunkeler System is offering significant improvements to the work environment. The major risk directly from production environments is manufacturing dust and fibres made from machinery with moving parts and materials of a powdery or fibrous nature, this includes inks & coatings, papers, cardboards and fabrics, as well as some metal and plastic work. These cause several serious respiratory ailments as well as skin and eye conditions.

The Hunkeler Compact Air Cleaner ‘HKA’ is a low cost, low footprint solution to a critical issue. It is a free-standing, portable unit that uses a standard 230V connection and is offered in a range of four sizes, suitable for small or large manufacturing spaces. The Air Cleaner does exactly what it says, pulling dirty, dusty air in from the environment and cleaning it via a filter system. The filters are certified to ISO16890 and can trap dust, fibers, pollen, smoke, bacteria, viruses and similar allergens -keeping air quality to FFP2-3 standards (with other filtration options available). The powerful fans are able to clean 10,000 cubic meters of air per filter system while operating quietly and efficiently, drawing just 750 watts/hr. This is possible due to ultra-modern, maintenance-free fans.


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